Monday, February 2, 2009

25 random things about me...

1. i have pondered the possibility of doing overseas missions.
2. i have a huge weakness for black babies...i can't help it, black babies are so much more cuter than white babies.
3. i am wearing my converse... at work.
4. my parents gave me a motorcycle in the 6th grade...hence my love for motorcycle riding!
5. i grew up on a farm with cows.
6. i have to have 1 cup of coffee each morning while i watch the NBC today show.
7. i reallly realllly want to be a wife and a mother...
8. i have a weakness for tattoos. i have four. i also have a weakness for tattooed men..hubbba hubbba.
9. i accepted Christ when I was in the 4th grade.
10.when i was in college i dreamed of becoming a full-time roadie for a rock band.
11.i delivered my best friend's baby.
12.i once shared fondue with ina may gaskin. thanks carey.
13.i worked in an arcade in college.
14.i would really like to be someone's valentine.
15.i love the book of philippians.
16.i am currently living in two places.
17.i love weiner dogs.
18.i once gave sarah mclachlan a hug.
19.i was just in the hospital for 6 days for sepsis.
20.i am slightly OCD when it comes to cleaning my house.
21.i sometimes wish i could have dread-locks. most favorite past-time is to go to concerts.
23.i once assisted with amputaing a leg in africa.
24.i love to eat. right arm is really sore from playing wii bowling all weekend.

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