Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wednesday News

First, I would like to thank my moms for submitting birthing stories and pictures for the website! I am in the process of posting these updates! The birthing stories have been amazing and the pictures are simply perfect! I am so blessed! The website is constantly a work in process and I am doing my very best to keep it updated! Continue to keep checking out the website to see these updates! Also, if anyone has any suggestions about additional areas of interest they would like to see on the website or topics for me to blog about please e-mail me. I am up for suggestions!

An exciting tid-bit from here at the midwifery practice! We have two moms (to be) that are pregnant with multiples!:) Leigh and I are getting our catcher's mits ready and praying that our moms will make it full term. Here in Bamberg, we are equipped for twin births if the mothers makes it full term and encounter no complications during the pregnancy course. We do know that one set is identical twin boys. So, please keep these mothers in your prayers!

Some news from me personally...I am debating on going back to Haiti at some point this year. I am not sure if I will financially be able to make this trip, but I am pondering the idea and praying about it! As many of you know, I have a heart for overseas missions. The organization I would be going through would be Midwives for Haiti. This organization works with Haitian midwives--equipping them to safely deliver babies (many of them at home as many of the midwives are very far away from a local hospital and have no transportation.) On my last trip in 2007, I had the opportunity to work with the first graduating class for the organization. The midwives are so eager to learn and desperatley want to be safe and efficient at midwifery. I also had the chance to catch a baby or two which was super fun and exciting! How many American midwives can say they caught a Haiti! :) Here are some statistics about childbirth in Haiti. In Haiti, 76% of all deliveries are done by non-qualified persons, contributing to the highest infant and maternal mortality in the western hemisphere. 15% of newborns have low birth weight and 25% of the children suffer from chronic malnutrition. The World Health Organization has estimated that the things professional midwives know how to do - preventative prenatal care, handling complications of pregnancy and birth, and teaching nutrition –could totally change these statistics! :) So, (as you can see) this organization is much needed! I am so happy to have had the opportunity to be a part of this organization! I will keep you posted about any possible plans about going back! I am enclosing one of my most favorite pics from my trip back in 2007.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you must meet beth mchoul! she is one of my facebook friends and was in the DR when i was there. she started a heartline haiti women's sewing program and prenatal program... i think her plans are to open a birth center when she finishes her training (she's doing the CPM PEP process). she is a fantastic, beautiful woman!

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