Saturday, December 27, 2008

Getting a little personal...

I am sitting here at my parent's house in the upstate settling down from a busy holiday season. Christmas was great this year--it was exceptionally special because I was able to see my sister (Amy) and her soon to be husband, Sean. As my family and I sat down for our usual Christmas Eve feast, I found myself looking to the empty seat beside me and longing for someone to fill that place at the dining room table. Being single is hard, but I think the holidays tend to make it a bit harder. The past couple of days I have been pondering over some of my hope's and desires for 2009 in regards to my personal life and the Bamberg Nurse Midwifery Service... As many of you know, I feel very ready to meet someone to share the rest of my life with here on this earth. The wait has been hard, and I find myself becoming more and more consumed with the fear that it is simply not going to happen. I have hesitated on how personal to really be on this blogging site as I know it is out there for anyone to read. On the other hand, I think of my patients as friends and sharing some of my personal life really doesn't scare me. So here are some of my hopes and dreams for 2009...If some of my readers would like to make these into prayer request that would be awesome!

1. A Godly Husband.

2. An increase in business for the Bamberg Midwifery Practice.

3. Continued financial security for the Micheal Watson Rural Health Clinic.

4. A Year of beautiful births and healthy babies!

5. Guidance, direction, and protection for all of the staff at the Micheal Watson Rural Health Clinic and the Bamberg Nurse Midwifery Center.

I will end this blog with a quote by Mother Teresa...
"There are no great things, only small things with great love. Happy are those."

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